transdermal detox kupka

We live in a turbulent world, especially now due to the pandemic. our lifestyle has fundamentally changed and our metabolism and immune system are increasingly under pressure. our quality of life & ability to process toxins in the body are suffering as a result of the intake of medicines, unhealthy food and the exposure to understandable stress.
That is why we are launching our revolutionary product for a total detoxification of the body, eliminating toxins and heavy metals in a completely safe and organic way

>We live in a turbulent world, especially now due to the pandemic. our lifestyle has fundamentally changed and our metabolism and immune system are increasingly under pressure. our quality of life & ability to process toxins in the body are suffering as a result of the intake of medicines, unhealthy food and the exposure to understandable stress.
That is why we are launching our revolutionary product for a total detoxification of the body, eliminating toxins and heavy metals in a completely safe and organic way

Our detox bath is a mix of carefully chosen natural elements which will detox, relax and heal your body with a simple and efficient application through the skin. no supplements required – but check out our range to help add value to your new journey!
All you need to do is soak your feet, or entire body, relax and watch a miracle happen. see your stress levels decrease, your immune system bounce back, and your feeling of anxiety soak away.

What’s inside our amazing product?

Magnesium chloride - flakes, zeolite - powder, menthol crystals - powder, silver ions – magic sauce. A lack of daily magnesium intake affects around 70% of the global population, with millions also suffering from complete magnesium deficiency, all leading to negative health impacts.

Why do we need magnesium?

For the synthesis of the original antioxidant: glutathione, a great detoxifier of the body
Transport of certain nutrients through the membranes into the cells
Improves insulin secretion and helps transport it to the cells
Eliminates damage to DNA generated by environmental mutagens and toxins
Active transport of calcium and potassium ions through cell membranes
Stimulates the potassium / sodium pump on the cell wall, initiating the natural cleansing process of the cells
Protects the brain and heart from the toxicity of chemicals
Protects the cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel poisoning
Active transport of calcium and potassium ions through the cell membranes, an important process for conducting nerve impulses, muscle contraction and healthy heart rate
Detoxification and chelation from heavy metals, often prevalent in our environment and water supplies
Elimination of toxic ammonia from the body
For the healthy rhythm of our body, its energy production, improved metabolism, phosphorylation and glycolysis
It is a crucial factor in the natural process of self-cleansing and detoxification in the body of all the above
Magnesium-dependent muscle contraction works in tandem with the lymphatic system to eliminate lipids from interstitial fluid

What benefits do i get absorbing magnesium through my skin?

Magnesium (Mg), when applied on your skin, enters the bloodstream in around 90 seconds. During that time, your body takes as much Mg as it needs (your body knows, trust it!). There is no danger of Mg overdose and it is the safest way of taking Magnesium as a supplement.

What benefits do i get absorbing magnesium through my skin?

Magnesium (Mg), when applied on your skin, enters the bloodstream in around 90 seconds. During that time, your body takes as much Mg as it needs (your body knows, trust it!). There is no danger of Mg overdose and it is the safest way of taking Magnesium as a supplement.

Do you have one or more of these symptoms?

Chronic fatigue, Frequent muscle cramps, Chocolate cravings, Nervousness, Depression and mood swings, High blood pressure and heartburn, Hormonal problems, Insomnia, Headaches and migraines, Constipation, Bone pain, Tingling in the extremities...

If yes, then you may have a magnesium deficiency:

The earliest signs of Mg deficiency are lack of appetite, fatigue and/or nausea. However, when you ignore these symptoms, they may compound to heart problems, as well as insomnia, shivering, poor memory and all the problems mentioned above. Ignoring these early signs of Magnesium deficiency can develop into more serious health problems such as: Epilepsy, Osteoporosis, Depression, Heart problems, Type 2, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Anorexia, Dementia, Atherosclerosis.

If yes, then you may have a magnesium deficiency:

The earliest signs of Mg deficiency are lack of appetite, fatigue and/or nausea. However, when you ignore these symptoms, they may compound to heart problems, as well as insomnia, shivering, poor memory and all the problems mentioned above. Ignoring these early signs of Magnesium deficiency can develop into more serious health problems such as: Epilepsy, Osteoporosis, Depression, Heart problems, Type 2, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Anorexia, Dementia, Atherosclerosis.

Who is at most risk for magnesium deficiency?

People with type 2 diabetes
Elderly people, and those with immune suppressant disabilities
People with high alcohol consumption
People who eat a lot of refined sugar, pasta and sweets
People who eat irregularly and follow generally unhealthy diets
People who regularly drink carbonated drinks
People who take calcium supplements, without Mg at the same time
People who consume a lot of diuretics such as coffee, tea and beverages rich in caffeine (i.e. energy drinks)

Zašto zeolit?

Zeolit je čudotvorni mineral koji ima neverovatna lekovita dejstva. mnogi ga nazivaju i "kamenom budućnosti". prirodni zeolit je nastao prilikom kontakta vulkanski stena i pepela sa alkalnim podzemnim vodama. Jedini dozvoljeni zeolitza humanu upotrebu je klinoptilolit, koji se nalazi u našem proizvodu, jer je bogat mineralima, natrijumskim i kalcijumskim aluminosilikatima. Prilikom tehnoloških obrada, zeolit se usitnjuje do veličine mikrona, čime se povećava njegov adsorpcioni kapacitet (vezivanje čestica za sebe) i sposobnost jonskih promena.
Sprovedena su brojna istraživanja i potvrđeno je da je zeolit najjači antioksidant, detoksikator i zaštitnik imuniteta. Zeolit čisti organizam od pogubnog uticaja toksina (organskih i hemijskih), pre svega od teških metala poput olova, arsena, žive, i drugih i to sa stopostotnom efikasnošću.
Iz svega navedenog jasno se vidi da zeolit zahvaljujući svojoj strukturi ima veliku moć adsorpcije i eliminacije štetnih supstanci kao što su: radioaktivne čestice, aflatoksini, teški metali i toksini različitog porekla.

It is important to keep your Magnesium intake in balance, and hopefully we’ve helped show how to recognize when you need it!

What is zeolite, and why do we need it?

ZEOLITE is a miraculous mineral that has amazing health benefits. Many call it the ‘‘stone of the future’’.
Natural ZEOLITE is formed during volcanic interaction with rock and ash in alkaline groundwater.
The only certified ZEOLITE for human use is CLINOPTILOLITE (found in our product) which is rich in minerals, sodium and calcium aluminosilicates.
Through technological processing, ZEOLITE is being crushed to the size of a micron. With its unique structure, its adsorption capacity and ionic changes become very powerful, thus they have the ability to bind the particles to itself and eliminate the harmful substances such as: radioactive particles, aflatoxins, heavy metals and toxins of various origins.
Numerous studies have been conducted and it has been confirmed that ZEOLITE is the strongest ANTIOXIDANT, DETOXIFIER AND PROTECTOR OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.
ZEOLITE cleanses the body from the detrimental effects of toxins (organic and chemical), primarily from heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and others with a 100% efficiency. This gives it a powerful additive affect to Magnesium intake.

Why menthol crystals?

Menthol crystals are an organic compound obtained from essential peppermint plant oils. They originate from India and are still used today to treat various diseases and immuno-deficiencies.
Menthol has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. By extracting the leaves and gently freezing, therapeutic crystals are obtained. They have a strong characteristic menthol smell that delivers multiple benefits.

Our splendid detox foot bath product

is offering you an optimal experience of relaxation & detoxification. thanks to our aromatherapeutic & beneficial holistic ingredients, it will liberate you from stress and help reduce your pain & swelling with its natural analgesic, relaxation and anti-inflammatory properties.

Our splendid detox foot bath product

is offering you an optimal experience of relaxation & detoxification. thanks to our aromatherapeutic & beneficial holistic ingredients, it will liberate you from stress and help reduce your pain & swelling with its natural analgesic, relaxation and anti-inflammatory properties.

Why colloidal silver?

It boosts the immune system and destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi
Colloidal silver is a very strong “natural antibiotic” and antiseptic
It has shown results in antimicrobial activity in over 650 different types of pathogenic microorganisms
Due to the nature of the action of colloidal silver, unicellular pathogenic microorganisms cannot develop resistance to silver
The size of beneficial silver clusters, and their colloidal particles, is about 700 times smaller than the human blood cell size. These small particles allow colloidal silver particles to easily penetrate through skin into tissues and organs throughout the bloodstream, acting on pathogenic bacteria and viruses quickly and efficiently.
Use of our amazing product is advised for people with weak immune systems, as well as those wishing to maintain their healthy lifestyle, and as a remedy to our immuno-stressful lifestyles.
It is especially recommended for people whose immunity is impaired by health problems, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (i.e. cancer patients), and people being treated for more severe bacterial infections, those who have skin problems, intestinal viruses, sore throats, urinary tract infections etc.
Our splendid detox foot bath product is offering you an optimal experience of relaxation & detoxification. thanks to our aromatherapeutic & beneficial holistic ingredients, it will liberate you from stress and help reduce your pain & swelling with its natural analgesic, relaxation and anti-inflammatory properties.

Rising Ca:Mg intake ratio from food in USA Adults: a concern?

Children bone and Magnesium

Rising Ca:Mg intake ratio from food in USA Adults: a concern?

Children bone and Magnesium

Excerpt from the book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy by Mark Sircus

Improve joint inflammation and arthritic attacks with transdermal magnesium.

Excerpt from the book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy by Mark Sircus

Improve joint inflammation and arthritic attacks with transdermal magnesium

The Threefold Magnesium Mystery

The Threefold Magnesium Mystery